
Email List Genie

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Email List Genie

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As a marketer, even if you’re a beginner, you almost certainly understand the importance of, and power of, an email list. Nowhere else can you find a truly captive audience you can contact time and time again, and if you treat them right, your subscribers can continue to be a goldmine for many years to come.

The trouble is that most people are missing out on an unbelievable number of subscribers, because they fail to think outside of the Internet.

In this guide, you’re going to learn about some of the most shockingly simple sources of mailing list subscribers. If you want to add more subscribers to your list without spending a fortune, one of the best things you can do is stop focusing your entire list building efforts online and start seeking subscribers elsewhere.

Remember, not everyone is online 24/7. In fact, not everyone even uses the internet all that much. They may have it in their home. They may use it fairly often to check email or watch Netflix. But how many think of using it to search for information about their favorite hobbies or their most pressing problems. Many do, but certainly not all!

By concentrating some of your efforts online, you’ll be able to pick up a large number of new subscribers that probably haven’t even heard of your competition, making it much easier to sell to those people.

Email List Genie

Additionally, you’ll be able to pick up subscribers who may not be as reluctant to subscribe to an email list, because many will not have been spammed by a list they signed up to (simply because they haven’t signed up to an email list before.)

It may sound daunting at first to think of trying to find subscribers offline, but it’s not as difficult as you think. It was probably pretty scary to think of building a list at all when you first got started in marketing, wasn’t it?

You’re about to learn some of the most surprising sources of free email subscribers, and how to access those sources quickly and easily. You may even build some powerful marketing partnerships in the process!

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17 pages
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